St. Francis School, Madhurawada is and English Medium Co-education School, established and conducted by Madhurawada Franciscan T.O.R Society. It is a Christian Minority institution. It is governed by the Franciscan Society which is a Religious and Charitable Organization registered under the Societies Registration Act. 1860. This society aims at the integral development of the whole person, enlightened leadership, social responsibility and commitment to nation building above all; it upholds, Human, Christian and Franciscan ideals of universal brotherhood, love, peace, joy and kindness. The school was established on June 21, 1993.
Staffed by dedicated and highly qualified Fathers, Sisters and Teachers, the T.O.R. Franciscans run several schools in India in which young people belonging to every creed, social class, community and linguistic group are educated through the medium of English and the regional languages. These institutions are part of Catholic Church’s effort to share in the country’s educational understanding. This effort, while particularly responsible to the Christian Community, has always been at the service of the whole nation.